Ok, are you ready to hear how long it took everybody you work with to get home? Well it's coming. "Ugh, I sat in my car for ____ hours, and was still only at _______!" Oh, really? Great story. Then when you think they're done "So _____ hours later, and I'm only at ______!!!!" I'll want to shoot myself, I'm the first one at work this morning and I know it's coming. I'm might have to fight boring with boring, as soon as they start talking about their terribly boring commute I'll have to interrupt with the 10 worst words to hear from a co-worker: "Oh my God, I had the funniest dream last night....." once any normal human hears that they have to bail. Nothing worse then hearing those words "...and then for some reason I had 1 shoe on! hahahaha and then I was eating chicken McNuggets! hahahah no wait first I ate the McNuggets, then I had the one shoe on then I was at the beach hahahaha...."
So get ready to find your happy place, because these commute stories are going to be worse than a dreaming dickhead. Blog it.
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