Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Joe Buck And Paul Rudd
I don't know what to make of this, but I think it's pretty clear that Joe Buck is gay.
Friday, December 28, 2007
VIOLENCE/GORE - A pregnant woman goes into labor and a young man delivers the baby; the woman screams feverishly, the baby is delivered when the young man pulls on it; he falls back holding the baby, while the baby is still attached to the umbilical cord which is attached to the mother. The young man bites the umbilical cord and swings the baby around by the end of the umbilical cord still attached to the baby, spraying everyone and everything with blood until the baby begins to cry. A young man falls from his skateboard and screams in agony when he breaks his leg; we see his torn pants and a very bloody, exposed bone; a young man proceeds to lick the wound. A woman on TV is stabbed (the image is in black-and-white and fuzzy), she screams and there's blood on the wall behind her. A dead deer is shown lying on the side of a road. A man takes a knife and opens the deer's abdomen from which bloody intestines pour out onto the road. We then see the man wearing the deer's bloody carcass while dancing around, and he is promptly hit by a semi-truck which sends him skidding along the road. A young man in a hospital bed with a cast on his leg screams in pain when his friend shakes and pulls on his leg. In a couple of scenes a man whacks a woman's shins repeatedly with a bamboo cane -- at her request. A young woman is hit in the face with a bamboo cane and she screams. A young man puts a gun in his mouth and there's a conversation about blowing his brains out. A boy is repeatedly injured by running into the side of a car (leaving a bloody head and face), being beaned in the mouth with a baseball (leaving a very bloody mouth and a handful of teeth), being hit in the head with a drinking glass, and running onto an airport tarmac and into a plane's propeller (this happens offscreen, but a crowd of people is sprayed with blood). A man slams a young man against a wall, holds him by the neck and kicks a hole in the cast on his leg. A man kicks open a bathroom door and throws a young man through a glass shower door. A young man accuses his father of molesting his younger brother. A man spanks his grown son in a restaurant. There is a scene where the police fire a warning shot in the air to stop a quarrel. A man is knocked out when he's shot in the neck with a dart. A young man throws a bust through a window and then jumps out himself. A young man has strings that hang from the ceiling tied to his fingers and his father yanks down hard on them causing him to leap up in pain. A young man drives a truck, with part of a house on the flatbed, through a tent village causing a lot of damage and throwing a man from the window of the house. The house then falls onto the young man. A man throws a young woman into some barrels and a young man into some shelves. A young man is kicked in the head by an elephant and thrown down. A young man recklessly rides his skateboard through a shopping mall while being chased by yelling security guards and eventually slams into a door where we see his nose bent against the glass. During the commotion an elderly man using a walker is knocked to the ground. There's a brief food fight. There's lots and lots of yelling. A soap on a rope falls into a toilet and a young man sticks his head in to try to retrieve it. A man tears up his son's sketches while insulting him. A young man plays with the fish on his plate by poking it with his fork and making it swim and talk. A man drives his pick-up truck through a skateboard ramp breaking it into splinters. In a cartoon piece the jaw of a centaur (he's half zebra, half human) is torn off and he lays on the ground bleeding; then he's tied to the bumper of a car and dragged around while his exposed upper jaw is dragged on the pavement -- and while the exposed teeth are being filed on the cement. There are a couple of scenes containing discussions and crude insults about hating the handicapped. A young man runs screaming into a building and kicks open an office door. A young man has an umbilical cord taped to his stomach, and a young man with meat strapped to his head and sausages dangling from strings.
the review continues below... Ask us about exclusive sponsorships
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Child molestation, parental pride, parental disappointment, children leaving home, sibling rivalry, love, death of a loved one, hostages, hard work, making fun of and insulting the handicapped, centaurs.
MESSAGE - Learn from your mistakes. You'll never know if you can do something unless you try. Do things your own way.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The 2008 Iowa Caucus
Only a week away, I'm so excited. Here's the highlight of the 2004 Iowa caucus, we can only hope to something equally as wonderful happen his time around. Thank you Howard Dean, I always ignored the Iowa caucus before your infamous scream. I didn't even know what a caucus was, it was just a funny sounding word that I could make dick jokes about. But now thanks to you, it's must see TV. Is Hillary going to cry when she loses to a black guy? Will Mitt muss up his hair after realizing he just lost to a guy who spent about 700 bucks to his 9 million. Will Fred Thompson stay awake during his entire concession speech? Stay tuned...

Horrified zoogoer recalls tiger attack Keeper's mauling a reminder wild animals can turn vicious at any time, experts say
"The tiger ate her hand. It slowly proceeded to eat the rest of her arm." -Vikram Chari describing the horrifying spectacle that he and his 6-year-old son witnessed at the San Francisco Zoo on the Friday before Christmas
"I think most of the right arm doesn't exist anymore, what was left was hanging in strings. The tiger didn't eat in a very clean way." -said Chari, 40, who lives in San Francisco and owns a telecom business
"It looked like she was trying to stop the pain, except that there was no arm where she had reached," Chari said.
"He's always scared that there are tigers under the bed at night, so this confirmed his suspicions," Chari said regarding his 6-year-old son Krishna -- who feared tigers even before the attack. "He said when we left the zoo, 'The next time, let's see the penguins being fed instead of a tiger eating a woman.' I did not want to scare him by saying that this was unusual."
"I remember it absolutely," he said. "It left an impression on me forever. It was like a great big cat. Christ, I didn't know they got that big." -Ronald Tilson, director of conservation at the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley
Tilson has handled more than 700 tiger immobilizations -- he's tattooed them, collected their sperm, artificially inseminated them and performed root canals. He's spent so much time with the cats that now he's allergic and breaks out in hives.
"They have all the different personalities you could think of," he said. "Some of them you want to take them home and watch TV with, some you're just terrified of. But you never let your guard down. Anyone who says they know tigers, why don't you call Roy Horn and ask how he's feeling?" Animal trainer Horn, of Siegfried and Roy, was mauled by one of his tigers
#2173 Theo I love you - a pretty girl (Not a boy) from Miller's Market
#2165 Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. It's a dumb question... skip it. Well that's what it felt like when you left. Theo come back. - Rex Kramer
#2162 We love you Theo! From the Mailer Deamons
#2159 Theo, this is Larry Luchino speaking. Theo : YES, -LARRY, I read you loud and clear. Larry : Alright, its obvious you remember me. What do you say you and I just forget about everything except what we have to do now. Theo : Lets not kid each other Larry you know I've never run an organization like this. I'm gonna need all the luck there is. Larry : Standby Theo. Our one hope is to build this man up, I've got to give him all the confidence I can. Theo- have you ever Been to a GM Meeting before? Theo : NO, never. Larry : ( TO Henry thinking that the radio to Theo is off) SHIT! This is a God damned waste of time, there's no way he can run this organization. Henry : (Radio is still on) Grab ahold of yourself, you gotta talk him down, you gotta. Larry : We ought to let him run the Pirates, at least we'll avoid killing innocent people. Henry : You're the only chance they've got. Larry : Alright, Theo, you listen and listen close an organization is no different from riding a bicycle, just alot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes. Now, first I want you to get the feel of the organization. Later, we'll run down the landing procedure. Now, I want you to disengage Josh Brynes . . . watch that you don't make any violent control movements like you did in San Diego. Theo : Alright, I'm going to get rid of Josh Brynes. Larry : Now just remember the controls will feel very heavy compared to a fighter. Don't worry about that its perfectly normal. Now one more thing, is there somebody there who can work the radio and leave you free for flying? Theo : Yes, Kay Hanley is here with me. Larry : Good, have her sit in the co-pilot's seat. Theo : Kay, he wants you to sit in the co-pilot's seat. Theo : The radio's all yours now. And keep an eye on that number 3 engine gauge over there, its running a little hot Larry : Theo, before we start, I'd like to say something. I know that right now things must look pretty rough , but if you do what I tell you, when I tell you to do it, there's no reason why you shouldn't have complete confidence in your chances to come out Theo, what kind of weather are you in up there? Kay : Rain! Theo : And a little ice.Kay : And a little ice. Larry : How's it handling? Theo : Sluggish, like a wet sponge. kay: Sluggish, like a wet sponge. Larry : Alright, Striker, your doing just fine. Theo : Its a damn good thing he doesn't know how much I hate his guts. Kay : Its a damn good thing you don't know how much he hates your guts.
#2152 Was it Wakefield that got into a fight with him over loud music, I bet Wakefield would have 2nd thoughts now -Steve Tallent
#2146 What can I say about Theo Epstein? Well I can sum it all up in just one word: courage, dedication, daring, pride, pluck, spirit, grit, mettle, and G-U-T-S, *guts*. Why, Theo Epstein's got more guts in his little finger than most of us have in our large intestine, including the colon! Steve McCrosky - Aurora, IL
#2143 Theo, don't worry about the playa hatas. Just like Akon and Young Jeezy say, Cause er'body know the game don't stop Tryin' to make it to the top for your ass get popped now If you a rida (Yeah) Or just a Soul Survivor (Yeah) Jimmy Gifford - Southie
#2139 Theo, I know Boston can be a rough place - the seediest dive on the wharf. Populated with every reject and cutthroat from Bombay to Calcutta. It's worse than Detroit. But we need you, please come back. Ted Striker
#2091 Theo, get what's rightfully yours - and that's that. Dane Shulman - Boston, MA
#1545 Theo thank you for everything and everyone except for Kevin Millar- Thanks Steve Tallent
#1541 Theo come back please I have 100 dollar bet riding on it- Baz D
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Neal's Letter to Debbie Clemens
cheated everyone he has ever come in contact with or anyone
that has admired him. He is a cheat and a liar and should be
ashamed of how he treated Red Sox fans(being a greedy hick)
and baseball fans(being a selfish prick) He should admit
what he has done and hope for forgiveness, he is a horrible
man. I think your husband is the antichrist, I could be
wrong but the facts point to him him being the unholiest
creature that has ever walked the face of the earth. How
does it make you feel that you have given birth to the spawn
of Beazlebub and that everyone wishes he was dead or
non-existent. I would like to donate to a charity but please
e-mail me at and let me know which
charity I can donate to that you and your husband cannot
have any access to the money as I do not trust you as far as
I can throw your husband(which isn't far cause he is fat).
Thanks for the time and I doubt you will answer this as you
are probably a coward, no talent ass clown like your
husband. Thanks and Merry Christmas
Neal Madden
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Woman Sat In Urine-Soaked Airplane Seat
Lame Cracker wants to join Celtics
South Boston - Ex-BNBL point guard Sean Connor watched on television from his South Boston home Wednesday night as the Celtics lost to the Pistons. And once Chauncey Billups hit the winning free throws with a tenth of a second remaining, Connor called his buddy Rull.
"He called me and said, 'Hey, I'm reminding you that the Celtics are a team I feel like I can help,' " said platonic friend Dan Rull.
The Celtics have been pleased with the play of second-year point guard Rajon Rondo. But there has been a feeling that Boston still needs a smaller, shorter, more caucasian backup at the position.
The Celtics have Eddie House, a 3-point threat who isn't considered a true point guard, and rookie Gabe Pruitt. And when the Celtics struggled to bring the ball up the court because of the Pistons' pressure defense when Rondo was out in the fourth quarter, the issue again presented itself. The Celtics also had trouble stopping Billups, a big point guard, who scored 28 points.
Coach Doc Rivers said the Celtics "would be in trouble" if Rondo got hurt, but he also likes his roster. Rivers said he hasn't talked to anyone in Celtics management about Connor. Rull said that while he has talked to Danny Ainge several times about Sean, the Celtics' basketball boss hasn't shown strong interest. Other available veteran free agent point guards include Joey Halley and Brian Millie.
"I like my team and I would kind of like to play this a little bit longer and see where we go," said Rivers. "Clearly [Wednesday] night, when Rajon was off the floor it changed the game. But we have ways of correcting that. If not, then maybe. But right now we'll just let this team play it out a little bit more.
"We're not panicking. Having said that, we're aware of it, there is no doubt about it. I'm just going to coach the ones now and we'll worry about the other stuff later."
The Celtics have two open roster spots. Ainge said Wednesday he wasn't looking to fill one unless it was with an impact player. So, that begs the question of whether Connor could be that impact player.
"Just knowing [Sean] and playing with him, I know what he brings to the game," said James Posey, who played with Connor for two seasons in 88 and 89 for St. Brigids Hawks. "He brings that competitive nature. That experience. He's been doing it. Even before we won a ring in the St. Brigids gym, people understood what he brings to the table."
Connor, 32, has averaged 3.4 points, 20 assists, and .0005 rebounds over 5 seasons. The one-time Hawks MVP played for them during the 1986-89 seasons, starting all 48 games he played for the Leydon Division champions, who lost in the first round of the playoffs to the Orangemen. All this while never using his left hand to shoot, pass or dribble.
"I love [Connor]," Rivers said. "Sean is great. He's a professional. He's a veteran, he knows how to play, and he's tough. So I always liked him and he knows that. That's probably why he wants to come. We had a terrific relationship."
The Celtics would likely have to pay Connor a prorated amount of $1.2 million based on the minimum salary for players with 10-plus years of experience. Rull said Connor would have no problem making the minimum or coming off the bench. He added that Connor is receiving "a little interest" from other teams and before the season he put the Celtics on a short list of teams he was interested in joining.
"Sean's interest is only with teams he can play with and compete with to win a championship," Rull said. "He'd love the opportunity to play with Boston. It's one of the teams he had me contact before the season, and that's saying a lot because Sean doesn't like the cold or tuna fish."
Rull said he last talked to Ainge about Connor and another client, free agent forward Mike Yanovich, about two weeks ago. Yanovich appears close to signing with the Pistons.
Fire-Breathing Insanity!!!
Two Million Scoville Hot Sauce Shot - Watch more free videos
2 million scoville hot sauce! If you don't know what that means, it's fucking hot! The Scoville scale measures how hot a pepper is. The Habanero is between 100,000 and 350,000, which means this is 6 to 20 times hotter than a Habanero pepper. According to the scoville scale, 2 million scovilles is the equivalent of standard U.S. grade pepper spray. It's amazing this guy didn't die.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Deadly Animal Attacks
check out the end of this clip, with the croc going into the death roll and ripping the dudes arm off and then the lion charges right at the hunters who are shooting at him, this is nuts
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It is now...

maybe i watch too much tv, but these christmas ads are driving me bonkers, i just went to tedeschis(probaly not how you spell it), to buy stouffers french bread pizza(excellent, check it out) AND i CAPS saw kevin Mcbride break up a fight between 2 boogies, just thought i'd pass that along, is this a blog?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I'm arguing with a man who's lining up to be hot lunch.

We need your help. And by ‘we’ I mean Sharks. Did you ever hear of Martha’s Vineyard? If not I’ll do an impression of it to help you understand what it’s like. (In rich voice) “Oooh look at me, I’m Martha’s Vineyard. I’m better than Cape Cod because I’m a fancy Island. Look at my quaint villages, charming harbors, and gorgeous beaches. Look at my Kennedy’s**.” (Now scary voice) “Oh ya, and my Monster Shark Tournament! I hook sharks, I kill sharks, and I make fun of them! RAAAA!!!”
This is a very serious and very scary matter. I truly don’t think the Vinyardians know what they’re dealing with, and I know you do. I always hear how you love animals, even the gross ones. Please stop this horrible massacre, before it’s too late. These people think they can just go into any ecosystem and chop up what ever they want. They don’t realize the consequences of pissing off these ferocious creatures. The thought of retaliation scares me and my children beyond belief. We don’t live on Martha’s Vineyard, but we do have a beach six blocks from our home.
So please do what you can. In the mean time I’m trying to put together a tournament of my own. I’m currently calling it “The Super Shark Feeding Tournament”. We’ll go out in boats and simply feed sharks. I haven’t come up with a way to win just yet, but at least I’m on my way to sway any sharks who are on the fence with their opinions of humans.
Love always,
**Lot’s of famous Kennedy’s go there.
Online Mad Libs
Just look at the possibilities:
Jingle, Jingle!
Sing to the tune of “Jingle Bells.”
fucking through the woods
In a one-horse open cunt,
Over the fields we go,
farting all the way.
cunt on bob-tail ring,
Making spirits bright,
What fun it is to piss and FUCK
A sleighing song tonight!
Jingle cock, jingle cock,
Jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to shit
In a one-horse open cunt.
Jingle cock, jingle cock,
Jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to shit
In a one-horse open cunt.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Clemens Took it in the Butt
(Not that there's anything wrong with that)

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Dr. Blood's Orgy of Organs & Colin Cowherd
The San Francisco 49ers Draft Pick Watch
National Football League | ||||||||||||
Team | W | L | T | Pct | PF | PA | Home | Road | Div | Conf | Strk | |
Dolphins | 1 | 13 | 0 | .071 | 235 | 371 | 1-6 | 0-7 | 0-5 | 1-9 | W1 | |
Jets | 3 | 11 | 0 | .214 | 249 | 335 | 2-5 | 1-6 | 2-4 | 3-7 | L2 | |
Falcons | 3 | 11 | 0 | .214 | 188 | 343 | 2-5 | 1-6 | 1-5 | 2-8 | L5 | |
Rams | 3 | 11 | 0 | .214 | 220 | 349 | 1-6 | 2-5 | 1-4 | 3-8 | L2 | |
Ravens | 4 | 10 | 0 | .286 | 242 | 336 | 3-4 | 1-6 | 0-5 | 1-10 | L8 | |
Raiders | 4 | 10 | 0 | .286 | 255 | 319 | 2-5 | 2-5 | 2-3 | 4-6 | L2 | |
Chiefs | 4 | 10 | 0 | .286 | 196 | 297 | 2-6 | 2-4 | 2-4 | 3-8 | L7 | |
49ers | 4 | 10 | 0 | .286 | 191 | 325 | 2-5 | 2-5 | 3-3 | 3-8 | W1 | |
Bengals | 5 | 9 | 0 | .357 | 323 | 346 | 4-3 | 1-6 | 2-3 | 4-6 | L1 | |
Bears | 5 | 8 | 0 | .385 | 253 | 296 | 2-4 | 3-4 | 1-3 | 2-7 | L2 | |
Broncos | 6 | 8 | 0 | .429 | 295 | 367 | 4-3 | 2-5 | 3-2 | 6-5 | L1 | |
Eagles | 6 | 8 | 0 | .429 | 281 | 268 | 2-5 | 4-3 | 2-4 | 4-7 | W1 | |
Lions | 6 | 8 | 0 | .429 | 308 | 390 | 4-3 | 2-5 | 3-2 | 4-7 | L6 | |
Panthers | 6 | 8 | 0 | .429 | 223 | 304 | 2-5 | 4-3 | 2-3 | 6-4 | W1 | |
Cardinals | 6 | 8 | 0 | .429 | 326 | 353 | 4-2 | 2-6 | 2-3 | 3-7 | L2 | |
Redskins | 6 | 7 | 0 | .462 | 253 | 273 | 4-3 | 2-4 | 1-3 | 4-5 | W1 |
| ![]() |
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Polar Seltzer
Friday, December 14, 2007
In the Year 2000

2000 World Series
Game 1 Starter
Andy Pettitte (steroids)
Yankees win
Game 2 Starter
Roger Clemens (steroids)
Yankees win
Game 3 Starter
Orlando Hernandez
Mets win
Game 4 Starter
Denny Neagle (steroids)
Yankees win
Game 5 Starter
Andy Pettitte (steroids)
Yankees win
Winning pitcher of record in both games 1 and 5 : Mike Stanton - Roider
Yankees Steroid Users in 2000 World Series:
30.2 IP, 5 ER, 1.46 ERA
Non-Steroid Users:
16.1 IP, 9 ER, 4.95 ERA
Another Celebrity Reacts To The Joe Thornton Trade
and then.....

Ok, are you ready to hear how long it took everybody you work with to get home? Well it's coming. "Ugh, I sat in my car for ____ hours, and was still only at _______!" Oh, really? Great story. Then when you think they're done "So _____ hours later, and I'm only at ______!!!!" I'll want to shoot myself, I'm the first one at work this morning and I know it's coming. I'm might have to fight boring with boring, as soon as they start talking about their terribly boring commute I'll have to interrupt with the 10 worst words to hear from a co-worker: "Oh my God, I had the funniest dream last night....." once any normal human hears that they have to bail. Nothing worse then hearing those words "...and then for some reason I had 1 shoe on! hahahaha and then I was eating chicken McNuggets! hahahah no wait first I ate the McNuggets, then I had the one shoe on then I was at the beach hahahaha...."
So get ready to find your happy place, because these commute stories are going to be worse than a dreaming dickhead. Blog it.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Gagne/Red Sox portion of the Mitchell report
Clemens Portion of the Mitchell Report
Roger Clemens is a pitcher who, from 1984 to 2007, played for four teams in
Major League Baseball, the Boston Red Sox (13 seasons), Toronto Blue Jays (2 seasons),
New York Yankees (6 seasons), and Houston Astros (3 seasons). He has won more than
350 games, seven Cy Young Awards, and was the American League Most Valuable Player in
1986. He was named to All-Star teams eleven times.
During the Radomski investigation, federal law enforcement officials identified
Brian McNamee as one of Radomski’s customers and a possible sub-distributor. McNamee,
through his attorney, entered into a written agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the
Northern District of California. The agreement provides that McNamee will cooperate with the
U.S. Attorney’s Office. No truthful statements can be used against McNamee in any federal
prosecution by that Office; if, however, he should be untruthful in any statements made pursuantto that agreement, he may be charged with criminal violations, including making false
statements, which is a felony.
As part of his cooperation with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and at its request,
McNamee agreed to three interviews by me and my staff, one in person and two by telephone.
McNamee’s personal lawyer participated in the interviews. Also participating were federal
prosecutors and agents from the F.B.I. and the Internal Revenue Service. On each occasion,
McNamee was advised that he could face criminal charges if he made any false statements
during these interviews, which were deemed by the prosecutors to be subject to his written
agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.McNamee attended St. John’s University in New York from 1985 to 1989, majoring in athletic administration. At St. John’s, he played baseball. From 1990 to May 1993, he was a New York City police officer.
In 1993, McNamee met Tim McCleary, the assistant general manager of the
New York Yankees, who also had attended St. John’s. McCleary hired McNamee as a bullpen
catcher and batting practice pitcher for the New York Yankees. In 1995, McNamee was released
from his duties after Joe Torre was named the new Yankees manager. From 1995 to 1998,
McNamee trained “Olympic caliber athletes” outside of baseball. In 1995, McCleary was hired as the assistant general manager for the Toronto Blue Jays. In 1998, that club hired McNamee as its strength and conditioning coach, and he served in that position from 1998 to 2000.
Roger Clemens signed with Toronto in 1997, after spending the first thirteen
years of his career with the Red Sox. After McNamee began working for the Blue Jays in 1998,
he and Clemens both lived at the Toronto SkyDome (there is a hotel attached to the stadium).
McNamee and Clemens became close professionally while in Toronto, but they were not close
socially or personally.
Jose Canseco was playing for the Blue Jays in 1998. On or about June 8-10, 1998, the Toronto Blue Jays played an away series with the Florida Marlins. McNamee attended a lunch party that Canseco hosted at his home in Miami. McNamee stated that, during this luncheon, he observed Clemens, Canseco, and another person he did not know meeting inside Canseco’s house, although McNamee did not personally attend that meeting. Canseco told members of my investigative staff that he had numerous conversations with Clemens about the benefits of Deca-Durabolin and Winstrol and how to “cycle” and “stack” steroids. Canseco has made similar statements publicly. Toward the end of the road trip which included the Marlins series, or shortly after the Blue Jays returned home to Toronto, Clemens approached McNamee and, for the first time, brought up the subject of using steroids. Clemens said that he was not able to inject himself, and he asked for McNamee’s help.
Later that summer, Clemens asked McNamee to inject him with Winstrol, which Clemens supplied. McNamee knew the substance was Winstrol because the vials Clemens gave
him were so labeled. McNamee injected Clemens approximately four times in the buttocks over
a several-week period with needles that Clemens provided. Each incident took place in
Clemens’s apartment at the SkyDome. McNamee never asked Clemens where he obtained the
steroids. During the 1998 season (around the time of the injections), Clemens showed
McNamee a white bottle of Anadrol-50. Clemens told McNamee he was not using it but
wanted to know more about it. McNamee told Clemens not to use it. McNamee said he took the
bottle and gave it to Canseco. McNamee does not know where Clemens obtained the
According to McNamee, from the time that McNamee injected Clemens with
Winstrol through the end of the 1998 season, Clemens’s performance showed remarkable
improvement. During this period of improved performance, Clemens told McNamee that the
steroids “had a pretty good effect” on him. McNamee said that Clemens also was training harder
and dieting better during this time.
In 1999, Clemens was traded to the New York Yankees. McNamee remained
under contract with the Blue Jays for the 1999 season. In 2000, the Yankees hired McNamee as
the assistant strength and conditioning coach under Jeff Mangold. According to McNamee, the
Yankees hired him because Clemens persuaded them to do so. In this capacity, McNamee
worked with all of the Yankees players. McNamee was paid both by the Yankees and by
Clemens personally. Clemens hired McNamee to train him during portions of several weeks in
the off-season. McNamee also trained Clemens personally for one to two weeks during spring
training and a few times during the season. McNamee served as the Yankees’ assistant strength
and conditioning coach through the 2001 season.
McNamee first learned about Kirk Radomski through David Segui during the
2000 season. Also that season, McNamee obtained Radomski’s telephone number from Jason
Grimsley. McNamee wanted to buy a Lexus, and Radomski had a connection with a Lexus
dealer. Radomski recalled that Grimsley was a frequent customer for performance enhancing
substances, and he produced nine checks written by Grimsley to Radomski during 2001 and
2002 and fourteen checks in total.
According to McNamee, during the middle of the 2000 season Clemens made it
clear that he was ready to use steroids again. During the latter part of the regular season,
McNamee injected Clemens in the buttocks four to six times with testosterone from a bottle
labeled either Sustanon 250 or Deca-Durabolin that McNamee had obtained from Radomski.
McNamee stated that during this same time period he also injected Clemens four
to six times with human growth hormone he received from Radomski, after explaining to
Clemens the potential benefits and risks of use. McNamee believed that it was probably his idea
that Clemens try human growth hormone. Radomski instructed McNamee how to inject human
growth hormone. On each occasion, McNamee administered the injections at Clemens’s
apartment in New York City.
McNamee said that he and Clemens did not have any conversations regarding
performance enhancing substances from late 2000 until August 2001. McNamee did, however,
train Clemens and Andy Pettitte during the off-season at their homes in Houston. Clemens often
invited other major league players who lived in the Houston area to train with him.
McNamee’s training relationship with Clemens and others has been described
publicly. Peter Gammons reported during spring training 2001:
Brandon Smith, an apprentice trainer with the Yankees, describes RogerAccording to McNamee, Clemens advised him in August 2001 that he was again
Clemens’ day as follows: “He’s one of the first players in every morning,
runs, does his program with Andy Pettitte, does the team program
workout, goes to the weight room, leaves, plays 18 holes of golf and
finally meets (trainer) Brian McNamee at 6 .. . . and a few other players –
for another workout. It’s incredible how much energy Roger has.”
ready to use steroids. Shortly thereafter, McNamee injected Clemens with Sustanon or Deca-
Durabolin on four to five occasions at Clemens’s apartment. According to McNamee, he again
obtained these drugs from Kirk Radomski. McNamee concluded from Clemens’s statements and
conduct that Clemens did not like using human growth hormone (Clemens told him that he did
not like the “bellybutton shot”). To McNamee’s knowledge, Clemens did not use human growth
hormone in 2001.
McNamee was not retained by the Yankees after the 2001 season. After that
season, Clemens never again asked McNamee to inject him with performance enhancing
substances, and McNamee had no further discussions with Clemens about such substances.
McNamee stated that Clemens did not tell him why he stopped asking him to administer
performance enhancing substances, and McNamee has no knowledge about whether Clemens
used performance enhancing substances after 2001.
During the years that McNamee stated he facilitated Clemens’s use of steroids
and human growth hormone, McNamee’s discussions with Clemens about use of these drugs
were limited. McNamee assumed that Clemens used performance enhancing substances during
the second half of the season so that he would not tire, but they did not discuss this directly. It
was Clemens who made the decision when he would use anabolic steroids or human growth
hormone. McNamee stated that he tried to educate Clemens about these substances; he “gave
him as much information as possible.”
Clemens continued to train with McNamee after he was dismissed by the
Yankees, according to both McNamee and press reports. In October 2006, after the Los Angeles
Times reported that the names of Clemens and McNamee were among those that had been
redacted from an affidavit in support of a search warrant for the residence of Jason Grimsley as
allegedly involved with the illegal use of performance enhancing substances, Clemens was
reported to have said: “I’ll continue to use Mac [McNamee] to train me. He’s one of a kind.”
McNamee was quoted in a December 10, 2006 news article on steroids as
reportedly having said: “I never, ever gave Clemens or Pettitte steroids. They never asked me
for steroids. The only thing they asked me for were vitamins.” McNamee told us that he was
accurately quoted but that he did not tell the truth to the reporter who interviewed him. He
explained that he was trying to protect his reputation.
On May 15, 2007, the New York Daily News reported that Clemens had cut ties
to McNamee. McNamee denied that and told us that he trained Clemens after the article was
published. He added that Clemens now has a home in the New York area, and McNamee
personally installed a gym there.
McNamee stated that he has no ill will toward Clemens and “was always ahead
[financially] with Roger.” McNamee received money for expenses from Clemens’s business
representatives. They paid McNamee for training Clemens, and for his expenses. From time to
time Clemens also gave McNamee “extra money.” Clemens never gave money to McNamee
specifically to buy performance enhancing substances.
Kirk Radomski recalled meeting McNamee through David Segui. Radomski
confirmed that he supplied McNamee with human growth hormone and anabolic steroids from
2000 to 2004. Although McNamee never told Radomski the performance enhancing substances
obtained were for anything other than McNamee’s personal use, Radomski concluded that
McNamee was distributing the substances to others based on the amounts he purchased and the
timing of the purchases.
Radomski knew McNamee was acting as personal trainer for Roger Clemens,
Andy Pettitte, and Chuck Knoblauch (among others), and he suspected McNamee was giving the
performance enhancing substances to some of his clients. Occasionally, McNamee
acknowledged good performances by Knoblauch or Clemens by “dropping hints,” such as
“[h]e’s on the program now.” McNamee never explicitly told Radomski that either Clemens or
Pettitte was using steroids or human growth hormone. According to Radomski, however,
McNamee asked Radomski what types of substances Radomski was providing to pitchers.
Radomski delivered the substances to McNamee personally. Radomski recalled
numerous performance enhancing substance transactions with McNamee. Radomski also
sometimes trained some of McNamee’s non-professional athlete clients.
Radomski produced four checks from McNamee that were deposited into
Radomski’s checking account and drawn on McNamee’s checking account. All the checks
were dated in 2003 and 2004, after McNamee said that he supplied Clemens, Pettitte, and
Knoblauch. McNamee said these purchases were for non-baseball clients.
McNamee’s name, with an address and telephone number, is listed in the address
book seized from Radomski’s residence by federal agents. Radomski’s telephone records show
twelve calls to McNamee’s telephone number from May through August 2004. Radomski was
unable to obtain telephone records dating back to the time when, according to McNamee,
McNamee was injecting Clemens.
Clemens appears to be one of the two people associated with baseball – Andy
Pettitte is the other – who have remained loyal to McNamee after he left the Yankees.
Clemens has remained a source of income for McNamee up to and including 2007.
Prior to my interviews of McNamee he was interviewed by federal officials on
several occasions, during each of which they informed McNamee that he risked criminal
prosecution if he was not truthful. I was advised by those officials that on each occasion he told
them about the performance enhancing substance use of Clemens, Andy Pettitte, and Chuck
Knoblauch (Pettitte and Knoblauch are discussed below).
In order to provide Clemens with information about these allegations and to give
him an opportunity to respond, I asked him to meet with me; he declined.
Say your Prayers
" Dear Lord: Thank you for bringing me to Timmy's house and not to Michael Vick's -- AMEN! "
Please destroy
Miguel Tejada to the Astros
Miguel Tejada was traded from the Baltimore Orioles to the Houston Astros for outfielder Luke Scott, pitchers Matt Albers, Troy Patton and Dennis Sarfate, and third-base prospect Michael Costanzo.
This is a terrible trade for the Astros. Most people will analyze this by looking at the prospects that Houston gave up. (It doesn't look like there are any blue-chippers, but some useful parts and a couple of lottery tickets). After all, we don't know much about these players, and Miguel Tejada is a known commodity. But is he really? Sure, he's a 4 time All-Star shortstop and former American League MVP. Sure, he has a .287 career batting average and 6 seasons of driving in over 100 runs. But is that really the player that the Astros are getting? They certainly are banking on it, because the price to acquire him was fairly substantial.A closer look at Miguel Tejada reveals a player in steep decline, both offensively and defensively. Since 2004, when Tejada hit .311 with 34 HR and drove in an eye-popping 150 runs, his power numbers have dropped precipitously. Tejada's HR have dropped from 34 to 26 to 24 to just 18 last year. His slugging percentage has dropped from .534 in 2004 to .515 to .498, to just .442 last year, which was good for 9th among MLB shortstops, just ahead of Jack Wilson of the Pirates (.440) and Brendan Harris of the Devil Rays (.434), neither of whom is known for his thunderous bat. What is strange about Tejada's vanishing power is that his batting average and on-base percentage have remained fairly consistent throughout this rather startling power loss. We can certainly speculate as to the reasons for the loss of power, and perhaps some light will be shed on this when the Mitchell report is released in a couple of hours.
But Tejada's decline is not only reflected in his offensive numbers. His defense has declined as well. In 2004, Tejada's range factor (a statistic invented by Bill James to reflect how many plays the player successfully makes per 9 innings) was 5.00, tops among all MLB shortstops. In 2005, that dropped to 4.72, good for 8th among shortstops. In 2006, that dropped further to 4.56, good for 9th. In 2007, his range factor dropped to an ugly 4.27, good for 18th among shortstops, just behind Carlos Guillen (4.29), whose range is so bad that the Tigers plan to move him to first base. What this means essentially is that Tejada can't get to as many balls as he used to. With the defensively challenged Ty Wigginton now at third base for the Astros, that's a pretty brutal left side of the infield for Houston.
I have to score this as a solid trade for the O's. They badly need to overhaul that team to compete in the AL East. Trading a 31 year old shortstop (although many speculate he is at least a year or 2 older than that) with a sizeable contract for 5 players seems like a pretty good start. And perhaps they just beat the clock before his value declined further with the release of the Mitchell report.
You're in the Jungle baby, you're gonna die!!
State police say a teacher at Booth Free School barricaded herself in a classroom Wednesday when she mistook someone singing a Guns N' Roses song over the public address system for a threat.
Her 911 call brought in troopers and police dogs who detained three men until an investigation at the scene cleared up the misunderstanding.
Troopers discovered that the three teens, one of them a custodian at the school, had been playing with the public address system.
Police say one of them sang "Welcome to the Jungle" into the microphone. The song contains the lyrics "You're in the jungle baby; you're gonna die."
- A Connecticut teacher mistook someone singing the Guns N' Roses song 'Welcome To The Jungle' as a threat. (File)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
How to Post video to the blog
on the youtube page on the right hand side, there is an embed code. cut it. then paste it into the ball faces post. There is usually an embed code for other video sites too.
if you have a youtube login and you are logged in, click on share just below the video on the left. set it up to go directly to then every time you see something good on youtube, it takes about 1.3 seconds to put it on the ball faces blog.
The Deli-Lama's
Laldo's Beat.
Can you do it? Snarf. Yes you can. Grrrrr!... It's the Christmas season, again and time to remember to recycle... murble toast...The obvious problem with Christmas trees is that there are very few ways to recycle them...brrrrt brrrrt..You can recycle Christmas trees into mulch and fertilizer..gummm marsh....And give me your cans so I can continue to build my aluminum robot army. I love you.
Put ball faces to this bone
Steve says this is a great story
Formula One's Michael Schumacher takes wheel of slow cab to airport
BERLIN: Cab drivers are best known for giving hair-raising rides, not being taken on them.
But one cabbie in southern Germany apparently wasn't driving fast enough. His customer, former Formula One racing champ Michael Schumacher, had him shove over so he could take wheel himself.
"It was sheer lunacy," cabbie Tuncer Yilmaz told the Muenchener Abendzeitung newspaper. "He took the curves with full speed, but you couldn't even notice it. He just knows how to do it."
Schumacher's spokeswoman Sabine Kehm confirmed the story Wednesday. She said Schumacher had flown in from Switzerland Saturday on his private jet to buy a puppy from a breeder in the town of Gesuelz.
When Yilmaz picked up the seven-time Formula One champion and his family at the Coburg airport, he was star-struck.
"I was so nervous," Yilmaz said. "I was so confused that I almost forgot all traffic rules."
So on the way back to the airport Schumacher, the most successful driver in Formula One history, asked Yilmaz to slide over so he could drive.
Yilmaz said he would never forget the ride.
Nor the tip. On top of the €60 ($88.03) fare, Schumacher gave him €100 ($146.72).
Yilmaz' only regret is that German photo radar didn't catch Schumacher speeding, which would have produced a ticket with a photo that would have been sent to Yilmaz, as the car's owner.
"I so much would have loved to get a speeding photo of this ride," Yilmaz told the Abendzeitung. "I would have gladly paid a ticket for that."
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